Monday, November 29, 2021

Hi. Polar bears are the biggest bears in the world. When they are on their hind legs they stand at 12 feet.

They are considerd marine animals. Scientists can also get DNA from their foot prints. They can hold their breath for two minutes Their bite force is 1,200 psi, as a result their bite is well adapted to dealing with prey with thick skin such as seals and walruses. The polar bear is the largest meat eater alive today. Their claws size is 30 cm.

Their their scientific name is Ursus Maritimus.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Hi. Cheetah are the fastest land animal. The reason is because they have slender spines, long legs and their tail helps them balance when they run.They also don't roar like other big cats. instead they purr. Their bite force is 119 psi. They also live in the groups. They only hunt in the day to avoid lions and they are one of the best hunters. Cheetahs can grow to 67-94 cm. They are also not aggressive They live about 12 years. Their scientific name is Acinonyx Jubatus.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Sabertooth Tiger

The Sabertooth Tiger was the top predator during the ice age, 2.4 milion years ago.

They where named for their knife like fangs and could stalk its prey which made them great hunters.

Sabertooth Tigers where very slow they could run 25-30 mph while a lion can run 50 mph and a tiger can run 30-40 mph.The reason they where slow is because they where larger and heavier.See in the below diagram:

They could grow to 70-120 cm heigh.

Sabertooth tigers have been preserved in blocks of ice. Scientist are trying to bring the Sabertooth tigers back to life.

Also there bite force was 1,050 psi most of their fosils have been found in tar pits and they had a life span of about 40 years old.

Their scientfic name is Smilodon.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021



Tigers are the biggest cats in the world.

Most tigers have orange fur and black stripes, however they can also have black, golden and white coats.

The rarest Tiger subspecies, is the Sumatran Tiger.

Most cats avoid water, however tigers love swimming because the areas they live in are very hot.

Tigers mostly live in India now.

They have the second loudest roar. One hit from a Tiger can break human bones.

Tigers live for 25 years and can grow to a height of between 70-120 cm.

The rumour that tigers can not climb trees is false.

Tigers eat sambar deer, wild pigs water buffalo and and antelope.

The scientific name for a Tiger is panthera tigris.

Monday, November 1, 2021


Hi, do you know that lions are the second largest cat in the world? They have a bite force of 650 psi. They can also be leucistic which means it makes them white. It is different from albino because they are not fully white.Lioness are more attratced to the males with darker manes. They can live about 35 years. Also some lions have black manes. Lions have the loudest roar of any cat and their roar is 144 decibels.

The biggest lion subspecies is the Barbary lion. They were the lions used in ancient Roman arenas. Because of this they can not live in the wild and there are only 100 left in the world.

The Asiatic lions are the smallest lion subspecies and they only live in India. A lion tongue is like sand paper it can take of lots of skin in a few licks. Also the scientific name for lions is Panthera Leo.